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Re: pkgsrc/www/firefox update approval request

Ryo ONODERA <> writes:

> I want to update pkgsrc/www/firefox to 107.0.1 before the freeze.
> I had no time and I could not update pkgsrc/www/firefox to 106.
> And it stays 105.
> I believe that pkgsrc/www/firefox should be up-to-date for next
> stable branch.
> pkgsrc/www/firefox-107.0.1 builds and works for NetBSD/amd64-current
> and NetBSD/i386 9.

Thanks for asking, and that's useful testing.   Does anyone  use
pkgsrc firefox on other platforms, and what is our expectation for those, in
terms of "will it be working on 12/15"?

This is really a question about the recent history of updates -- my
impression is that over the last year or so firefox updates have not
resulted in failures to work on platforms where the previous version

If we don't have any negative comments in the next 20 hours, please go

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