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Re: mtpaint updated to 3.50 with gtk3

On Thu, 13 Oct 2022, adr wrote:
This diff updates wip/mtpaint to the current stable version, 3.50.
I changed the package to use gtk3 which is the common version now
used by applications.
I pushed the changes to the wip repository, but after reading this
note below the list of new features of the release at I've been thinking on
adding a mtpaint-git package:

This time, the detailed list in the NEWS file is even longer than
it was in 2011. :-)

The long, long, LOOONG wait since 3.40 was not so hard on those
who used, or packaged, the development version. And to those who
heroically sat nine whole years hanging onto the "latest release",
I have a few words to say.

There is no such thing as an unstable version of mtPaint. There
had been a few experimental ones, each time with a clear warning
that this specific one was not for general use yet; otherwise,
every version (including those experimental ones) has the same
number of known bugs on the day of its uploading; namely, zero.

I myself use the latest development version of mtPaint for everything.
It does not fail me, and when it does, a new version gets made. If
you were sticking to the release version, you have been suffering

I would like also to comment about this package on netbsd-users.
This program has a small number of dependencies, compiles pretty
fast and the majority of things most people do with gimp, could be
done (in a peculiar way, I must say) with mtpaint. It's a pitty
that it hasn't found its home in the pkgsrc main repository.

Any thoughts?


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