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Re: Why are pkgsrc version numbers named after Dewey?

Roland Illig <> writes:

> Why are the version numbers of pkgsrc packages called Dewey numbers? The
> concepts of a decimal classification scheme and a version number are
> completely distinct.
> I'd like to completely eliminate this term from pkgsrc. Just because Ant
> and FreeBSD didn't come up with a better term more than 20 years ago
> doesn't mean that we should stick to this confusing mistake.

I have no idea; I always found it mildly strange but never enough to
expend energy on it.  But certainly we can see if somebody else does.

Can you explain how big a change this is?  Is it renaming
p5-pkgsrc-Dewey, one comment in mk/, and minor Guide editing?  I don't
have the perl package installed, so I wonder how much or even if it is

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