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Re: pkgsrc leakage and default pkg options

David Holland <> writes:

> On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 07:44:34PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
>  > In the curl case, I don't see the bloat as really terrible, in terms of
>  > effective bloat.  Tons of things need gmake, so any bulk build is going
>  > to need it.  So basically that doesn't count.  And really, same with
>  > python, except for a system that is not doing much.
> The practical problem (or one, anyway) is that cmake depends on curl,
> and curl depends on Python, so any in-place live rebuild (e.g. with
> pkg_rr) will need to rebuild Python early and this can considerably
> increase the time during which Python stuff is bust. It also makes it
> a lot harder to do incremental live rebuilds of one disjoint chunk of
> packages at a time (granted, I don't think pkg_rr readily supports
> this...)

Indeed, there is no support in pkg_rr for graph partitioning.

But I don't follow "rebuild Python early ... increase the time during
which Pytthon stuff is bust".  Yes, if python 3.9.x has gone to x++, or
has a nbN++, then it will get "make replace", but almost always there is
no ABI change, so the breakage is limited to the "pkg_add -u -U" call
which is a few seconds.

As I see it, the real problem is that cmake is a common build tool and
cmake is enormous with lots of dependencies.  At least it isn't written
in rust.

> Of the extra deps, only libxml2 is large/slow, and it doesn't change
> often, so it seems like a minor annoyance unless you somehow don't
> need to have it installed; but that seems unlikely; for me it has 1-2
> dozen things things depending on it, some of which are pretty hard to
> avoid incurring (e.g. py-lxml, libxslt, xmlto).
> I find the ordering issue annoying, but the build time argument seems
> somewhat dubious.

I have also set DEPENDS_TARGET="bin-install clean", so even if I 'pkgin
ar', then if something is needed at build time, and it hasn't had a
revbump, it is just installed.  So far that's been a good plan.

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