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Re: GHC 9.2.1 is now available as lang/ghc92

Okay, GHC patches have been upstreamed now (and got merged). 176 libraries and applications have been updated locally. I'm going to commit them today, then switch the default compiler.
Unfortunately I will have to mark devel/hlint as BROKEN because it 
heavily depends on the internal API of GHC, which (as always) has 
changed a lot since GHC 9.0. The upstream is working hard to make it 
work again:

On 2/6/22 7:40 PM, PHO wrote:
Hi all,

I just imported GHC 9.2.1 as lang/ghc92. One of the notable improvements since GHC 9.0 is that the compiler now has a native codegen for aarch64, which means LLVM is now optional on the architecture.
After I upstream local patches it currently has, I'm going to update all 
of the Haskell packages so that we can eventually switch the default 
Haskell compiler to lang/ghc92. This will take several weeks though.

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