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Re: Renaming gnome3* packages to gnome*

Dan Cîrnaț <> writes:

> With the new naming scheme, it doesn't make sense to keep package names
> like "gnome-desktop3". With the new version the name wouldn't make sense
> (gnome-desktop3-40.0). A new package (gnome-desktop40-40.0) is, in my
> opinion unnecessary, since there isn't a huge difference between the
> 3.3x and the 40.x GNOME releases.
> It's been a decade since the last GNOME 2.x release s
> Affected packages:
> meta-pkgs/gnome3: rename to gnome
> x11/gnome-desktop3: rename to gnome-desktop, overwrite current
> x11/gnome-desktop (2.x) version
> x11/gdm:  update from 2.x straight to 40.0

We tend to be slow on renaming because each rename imposes difficulty on
people doing updates.  But as you say it's been 10 years - that counts
as slow.

(I ran gnome back in 2005, but haven't been for a long time, so this is
coming from a perhaps uncderclued viewpoint.)

I really don't know the answers to the following, and I'm not trying to
give you a hard time -- this is just born of years of accumulated
trouble with various software.  I'm guessing you understand all of this.

  Do you believe that over the next 5 years we will be able to have just
  one version of gnome-ish things, named simply gnome with no version in
  the name?  So when 41 comes out, we maybe put it in wip, we wait until
  someone (you?) decides that it works well enough, and then some time
  earlyish in the branch cycle just update?

  Does gnome have a plan for API compat that makes updating the core
  while not breaking any even slightly maintained thing that depends on
  the core?  (Or, equivalently, do you think it's in the interest of
  users to let anything that is broken by Gnome API "progress" just be
  demoted to wip as crufty and unmaintained?)

  It sounds like you are saying that there will be no gnome 3.x in
  pkgsrc any more.  everything will be updated to a 40.x series.

  What happens to apps that are built against gtk3, and the gtk3 version
  of the desktop library?  And for whcih there is no release that can
  use gtk4/gnome-desktop/40?  Will they still be buildable within
  pkgsrc?  (Maybe this question is confused and there is API compat;
  that would be great.)

  I gather gnome2 is really no longer existing (even though mate exists
  - but it it is no longer called gnome).   (But what about

  Is gnome-desktop (2.x) a candidate for removal (as unmaintained and we
  believe there are essentially no users) in its own right?  I would
  have thought so, vs gnome2-world things use mate-destkop, but
  finddepends on it prints out a lot of things.  Are they going to work
  with gnome-desktop 40, at least as well as they worked with the old
  gnome2 version?  (It may be that gnome-desktop(2) is a separate
  historical mess to be cleaned up first.)

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