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Any CMake experts around here?

I tried to build the newly imported net/icinga2 on macOS (it needs a patch to deal with case-insensitive file systems that's still WIP) and it complains that the build provides share/man/man8/icinga2.8 while the PLIST says man/man8/icinga2.8 (it shoud say PKG_MANDIR, but that's still another issue).

It works on NetBSD (the build provides man/man8/icinga2.8).

I'm slightly out of luck. bmake show-var VARNAME=CMAKE_ARGS shows -DCMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR:PATH=man, the package's doc/CMakeLists.txt says DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man8, yet doc/cmake_install.cmake contains file(INSTALL DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/man/man8 ...) on macOS and .../man/man8 on NetBSD.

What the hell is going on?

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