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Re: PKG_DBDIR migration script writes:

> I believe the appropriate place to put it is in NetBSD's postinstall
> script. That one is meant to handle updates, and as a bonus, is easily
> available for binary package users as well.

It's a fair point that this script will have to be side-downloaded for
people w/o pkgsrc.

But, systems that haven't been updated along the branches they are
running aren't going to have postinstall, and people who move to
pkgsrc-2020Q4 need to run this more or less immediately.  It seems like
a lot of work to

  put this in postinstall in current

  pull it up to 8 and 9

  tell everyone to update along 8 or 9 (or current) *before* they update
  pkgsrc or use 2020Q4 packages

  delay the branch for 2 weeks?  more?  to account for this

It also seems like it doesn't fit, as the typical trigger for needing to
run this is "new pkgsrc", not "base system was updated".  Thanks to your
pkg_install fix, base system updates no longer require explicit user

Overall going for postinstall feels like much more work than "if you
don't have pkgsrc checked out, download this script and run it."

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