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pkgdb.refcount, migration/rebuilding

It seems that /var/db/pkg.refcount (to become /var/db/pkgdb.refcount) as
references to the absolute paths of the /var/db/pkg/foo-1.2 directories.

There does not seem to be "pkg_admin rebuild-refcount" to recreate it
from scratch, only manipulations during install/remove.

So, I think we need to iterate over it during migration and munge paths
from old to new.

But the instructions at
do not talk about embedded paths.

I hope I'm confused, but would appreciate an explanation of

  does pkgdb.refcount really have embedded paths?

  do those paths matter, or is use only the trailing name?

  is there or isn't there a command to rebuild the refcount db?

  is my notion of search-and-replace on migration correct?

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