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Re: get rid of LOCALBASE

Joerg Sonnenberger <> writes:

> Well, there are good reasons for them to be historically separate, even
> if we have removed many of the differences over time. pkgviews,
> subprefixes etc. Ultimately, the main difference remains that LOCALBASE
> is the user-settable variable and PREFIX is the infrastructure variable.
> I don't really see the point in renaing the former to the latter.

So trying to take that comment, which makes sense to me, into a plan

  LOCALBASE is a user-settable variable

  PREFIX is an infrastructure-settable variable

  PREFIX should be set to LOCALBASE, absent some special reason

  any code that uses LOCALBASE (other than setting PREFIX) is arguably
  wrong and should be using RPEFIX, unless there's a good reason that is
  explained in comments after being discussed here

and this is all sort of floating a theory that our current issues are
due to confusion between user-settable and infrastructure-settable
variables, and when the infrastructure-settable one is defined.

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