On a netbsd-9 i386 system, building rust (source) loses with: running: /usr/ANONCVS/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rust-bootstrap/bin/cargo build --manifest-path /usr/ANONCVS/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rustc-1.45.2-src/src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml --frozen /usr/ANONCVS/pkgsrc/lang/rust/work/rust-bootstrap/bin/cargo: Shared object "libssl.so.1.1" not found and the issue appears to be a bootstrap kit built for 8, with pkgsrc ssl, on a 9 host, without pkgsrc ssl. It seems that perhaps having a different bootstrap for 9/current is in order. Can someone who deals with rust fix things on 9/i386, or suggest what else wes hould do?
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