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Re: make show-cargo-depends stopped working

>> I currently have no energy or time to fix this but the
>> show-cargo-depends rule is broken.
>> I'm trying to update www/zola to 0.11.0 and it returns empty after
>> configure.
>> Could someone fix this so that it runs as expected again?
> Hm, it looks like show-cargo-depends depends on the [metadata]
> section of the Cargo.lock file, an example is cbindgen which
> still has it, but the new zola doesn't.
> If you modify ../../lang/rust/ at the end to be
> show-cargo-depends:
> 	${RUN}${AWK} '/^name = / { split($$3, a, "\""); name=a[2]; } \
> 		/^version = / { split($$3, a, "\""); vers=a[2]; \
> 		print "CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS+=\t" name "-" vers; next }' \
> 		${WRKSRC}/Cargo.lock | ${GREP} -v ${PKGNAME}
> it should print the new zola dependencies.  Whether it's robust
> is another matter.  At least better than nothing...

That includes too much.  New version:

        ${RUN}${AWK} '/^name = / { split($$3, a, "\""); name=a[2]; } \
                /^version = / { split($$3, a, "\""); vers=a[2]; } \
                /^checksum = / { \
                        print "CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS+=\t" name "-" vers; \ 
                        }' ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.lock | ${GREP} -v ${PKGNAME}  


- Havard

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