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Re: BLAS in pkgsrc: present and future

Am Thu, 30 May 2019 09:05:51 -0400
schrieb Greg Troxel <>:

> There are cases for things like choosing the postgres version that
> already have the separation of user-settable, package-settable, and
> internal variables.   I would suggest looking at that, and also the gcc
> version selection logic.

Hm, mk/ seems to be a _bad_ example … motif … mysql …
where is the postgres thing? Ah, pgsql it is:

# $NetBSD:,v 1.48 2018/10/23 16:02:51 adam Exp $
# User-settable variables:
# Package-settable variables:
# Variables set by this file:

So it does set variables without underscore for the package Makefile to
use. Oh, and it also sets PGSQL_PREFIX and PGSQL_VERSION. Those might
be included in the list above.

> > So, would it be the preferred way to use _PKGSRC_BLAS_TYPE in the
> > package Makefiles?
> I don't see that this would show up in the package makefile at all.

The packages do not have one common way to choose a BLAS
implementation. Many need the values of BLAS_LIBS and LAPACK_LIBS
inserted as env/make/configure variables somehow. Also, some just want
the name of the implementation to trigger their own configuration
machinery. It seems to me that this is quite like the situation with
postgresql (including the actually set variable PGSQL_VERSION).

> would expect that the package would set the ACCEPTED variable and then
> .include ../../mk/

… and do something with the provided variables. There might be cases
that just look for certain libs being available (-lblas, -lopenblas, -mkl),
but the names are not standardized enough for that to work universally
(build variants of OpenBLAS, for example). Also, if multiple … oh dear.

What happens if, since we allow multiple BLAS packges being installed,
the dependency chain of a package pulls in BLAS directly and indirectly?
There is the package triggering the indirect dependency … having its
own BLAS_ACCEPTED and resulting implementation being chosen at build
time. The current package has a different BLAS_ACCEPTED, resulting in a
different BLAS being chosen. This setting will overrule whatever was
chosen during the build of the BLAS-using dependency, I presume? 

So we can have a package with binaries needing being used
as a dependency for a package that decides that is used
instead. This kind of situation I can avoid by choosing a fixed BLAS
that triggers package failures if it is not supported.

How would this situation even be detected with the PREFERRED/ACCEPTED
logic? In what interesting ways will the build already fail?

> > Is it still fine to have BLAS_LIBS and LAPACK_LIBS defined? Should
> > those be _PKGSRC_BLAS_LIBS, _BLAS_LIBS?  
> If those are defined by the bl3 file and expected to be used in
> CONFIGURE_ARGS in depending packages, those variables sound
> appropriate.

With or without underscore? So far, I don't see a case that exports
names with underscore to be used in Makefiles.

> I think if you look at the gcc, pgsql, kerberos and ncurses code
> (really all mk/ for foo a kind of program name),

GCC (compiler/ is a bit hefty for me now, but all others use
variables like FOO_TYPE. Btw. What do these lines do?


Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
HPC @ Universität Hamburg

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