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Re: GITHUB_PROJECT assignment

Le 2018-05-25 07:27, Kamil Rytarowski a écrit :
On 24.05.2018 13:06, Frédéric Fauberteau wrote:
Hi folks,

Imagine we would package the foo program hosted by the jsmith github
account. Unfortunately, the repository is named foo-dev. I would to write:
DISTNAME=       foo-dev-1.2.3
PKGNAME=        ${DISTNAME:S/-dev//}

But it doesn't work because GITHUB_PROJECT?= ${PKGBASE}:
ftp: Error retrieving file `404 Not Found'

If I write the followings:
DISTNAME=       foo-1.2.3
It doesn't work because WRKSRC?=
${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME:U${PKGNAME_NOREV}}. WRKSRC=work/foo-1.2.3 but
actually, the extraction of archive produces work/foo-dev-1.2.3:
patch: **** can't cd to /usr/pkgsrc/xxx/foo/work/foo-1.2.3: No such file
or directory

A working solution is:
DISTNAME=       foo-dev-1.2.3
PKGNAME=        ${DISTNAME:S/-dev//}

What about the following solution?
No. We can (and certainly will) break real packages with this 
I know it will break packages. My question was about the consistency: it 
seems to me that GITHUB_PROJECT is assigned according to PKGBASE since 
_GITHUB_DEFAULT_DISTFILES is according to DISTNAME. For sure, such a 
change would apply I write a script to check which packages are impacted 
and how. Otherwise, it would be reckless.
The proper approach is to define GITHUB_PROJECT.

+++ fetch/     2018-05-24 12:56:25.000000000 +0200
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@

 .if defined(_USE_GITHUB) && !empty(_USE_GITHUB:M[yY][eE][sS])

+GITHUB_PROJECT?=       ${DISTNAME:C/-[^-]*$//}

 .  if !empty(GITHUB_TAG:Mmaster)

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