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Re: ghostscript-agpl, netbsd-7, freetype2

Thomas Klausner <> writes:

> On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 08:46:21PM -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> I think there's something else wrong.  I set API_DEPENDS (thinking that
>> native freetype2 was too old, not realizing it was broken), and the
>> logic in freetype2's still accepted native freetype2.
> To what value did you set it?
> Is the /usr/X11R7 version really too old?

I set it like this:

BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.freetype2+=       freetype2>=2.8.0

and that's higher than the version of the builtin.

Is that really too old?  No, it isn't.  I assumed that installing the
missing header was a change in a newer version, rather than just a bug,
and so I tried to force using pkgsrc freetype2.

With that line (in ghostscript-agpl's Makefile, just before the
inclusion of freetype2's, I can look at variables and see
that the builtin is still selected.  Running pkg_admin pmatch shows that
the original API_DEPENDS that comes by default is satisfied but the new
one is not, and there is some loop logic that I think is supposed to
make sure all are met, but I don't quite follow the make code.

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