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Handling linker arguments in ocamlmklib

I'm working on fixing ocaml on SunOS.  One of the issues I'm now
hitting is that ocamlmklib cannot find any pkgsrc libraries, e.g. when
building archivers/ocaml-bz2 using bzip2 from pkgsrc I see:

  ===> Building for ocaml-bz2-0.6.0nb6
  ocamlc.opt -ccopt "-D BZ_PREFIX -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/include -pipe -pipe -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/include" -c c_bz.c
  ocamlmklib -oc camlbz2 c_bz.o -lbz2
  ld: fatal: library -lbz2: not found

This appears to be because ocamlmklib expects linker arguments (-L and
-Wl,-R) to be passed directly to it rather than via -ccopt.

I've written a patch to handle ocamlmklib in a special way:

which fixes my issue:

  ===> Building for ocaml-bz2-0.6.0nb6
  ocamlc.opt -ccopt "-D BZ_PREFIX -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/include -pipe -pipe -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/include" -c c_bz.c
  ocamlmklib -oc camlbz2 c_bz.o -lbz2
  ocamlc.opt -c bz2.mli
  ocamlc.opt -c
  ocamlmklib -oc camlbz2 -o bz2 bz2.cmo -lbz2
  ocamlopt.opt -c
  ocamlmklib -oc camlbz2 -o bz2 bz2.cmx -lbz2

but I'm no ocaml expert so would like it reviewed before committing.


Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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