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Re: Default ABI on Darwin

Jonathan Perkin <> writes:

You are saying Darwin, and I think that's the same  as Mac OS X.  I
realize there used to be a differnece, but it seems the concept of an
open-source base distribution never really worked and has faded.  So if
you mean this to be actually different than Mac OS X, it would be good
to talk about that, although that's separate from your proposed change.

> I'd like to change the default ABI on Darwin, so that we use ABI=64 on
> x86_64 hosts unless the user specifies --abi during bootstrap.  Diff:

I agree; macs are really x86_64 these days.   While I have an Intel Mac
that is i386 only, I now have netbsd-7 i386 on it, and most people would
have recycled it by now.

> It may be that we want to add a case for ppc64, but I don't have any
> hardware to test that on.  Darwin/powerpc developers are welcome to
> add one.

I didn't realize there were ppc64 macs.  But sure, people who are still
using Darwin/powerpc (which is really obsolete, as I understand there
are no versions of the OS receiving maintenance).

> This brings us in line with what users expect (I've had a few people
> query this previously).  Any objections?

I don't understand the IRIX hunk (but I don't object either).  So if you
mean to commit just the Darwin change, I think you should.

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