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Re: Question: wip, git, ssh and permissions

Ottavio Caruso <> writes:

> Now I have a doubt: in the old pkgsrc-wip  I used to pull and push
> code as root, because I had my root in /usr/pkgsrc.

Just run chown -R.  Other than building pkgsrc, nothing in the system
actually cares who owns /usr/pkgsrc or even if it exists.  You can also
put it other places.

> If I connect to git using ssh under my regular non-root account, will
> I be able to transfer data, or should I connect using a root account,
> in which case I'll have to make another keypair under root?

git needs to be able to write.   You could put your keypair (can be the
same) in /root/.ssh/, but it's far simpler and safer to just chown

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