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Re: defaulting to clang on FreeBSD 10.x writes:

> This is pretty easy to reproduce. However you've bootstrapped pkgsrc on
> FreeBSD 10.x, whether with a mk-fragment or not, you can comment the
> PKGSRC_COMPILER, CC, CXX, CPP, and CLANGBASE variables in mk.conf and pkgsrc
> will want to build gcc-3 on that system to build any other packages.

So there is something wrong.

> Attached is a patch which fixes this behaviour for FreeBSD >= 10. OK to commit
> during the freeze?

I agree with Joerg; I don't understand why the change is in
After reading your diff, I went to look at, because OSX had
the change of clang being added and gcc removed before FreeBSD, and I
*think* that bootstrap on mac autodetects clang and it all works ok.

In, see "get_compiler", which is trying to run gcc/cc and
determine whether it is clang or gcc.   It seems that should decide on
clang, which should cause the generated mk.conf to have clang.

I ran a fresh bootstrap (OS X 10.9, which has clang and does not have
gcc) and the generated mk.conf had:

PKGSRC_COMPILER=        clang
CC=                     clang
CXX=                    clang++
CPP=                    ${CC} -E
CLANGBASE=              /usr

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