We've talked about this multiple times. Bulk builds on 2014Q2 are showing massive failures on netbsd-5. The underlying issue is that netbsd-5 base system xsrc is really old, and enough things need newer that we are increasingly having to work hard to get new enough for them and coexist with old. At this point I think it's a losing battle, and there's no good reason to try. Using modular xorg works quite well, and I've been building on netbsd-5 with it for quite a long time. Therefore, it's my opinion that normal users on netbsd-5 (which could hit EOL soon anyway, given that netbsd-7 is already branched) are better served by modular. The only real objections in the past have been (more or less) "It's too bad pkgsrc doesn't work with native" and "if we fix problem Y, it will probably be ok". I am sympathetic to these views. But at this point it's clear netbsd-5/xsrc isn't getting the attention it needs. So I plan to switch netbsd-5's default to modular tomorrow, so it's in plenty of time for 2014Q3. (Of course, any user who doesn't like this can just set X11_TYPE -- all I'm talking about is the default value, which affects the standard binary packgaes.)
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