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gcc wrapper silently dropping -L

My /usr/pkgsrc is a symlink, and apparently that causes problems:

cd /usr/pkgsrc/emulators/qemu fails in different ways than it fails in 
/realdir/pkgsrc/emulators/qemu (2nd failure is addressed in another mail, 
that's fixed).
The interesting part of the work/.work.log file is here:
See that the -L option between -lz and -lfdt is removed. Silently.

Two questions:
1) Why is this -L removed at all if "pwd -L" is different from "pwd -P"? Raises 
confusion for me...
2) If this has to be, can there be some warning in .work.log, as is for all the 
unknown switches, to make debugging easier?

 - Hubert

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