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Re: Default PHP version.

iMil <> wrote ..
> > Today, PHP 5.3.22 and PHP 5.4.12 released.  Along with updating to
> > these version, I want to switch default version of PHP from 5.3 to
> > 5.4; make PHP_VERSION_DEFAULT to 54 default.
> >
> > Is there any comment about it?
> Go for it!
> As an insight, I've migrated a lot of PHP 5.3 websites to 5.4
> and everything went smoothly, no regression, but most of all
> PHP 5.4 is an immediate performance boost. From the benchmarks
> I've ran, +10 to +20% speed without any other change than
> upgrading.
> Speaking of PHP 5.3, we recently met guys from Zend (the company
> behind PHP) who told us PHP 5.3 EOL is being discussed.

I agree 54 should be default. Not sure how you want to handle an upgrade 
with php.ini but best practice when updating to a major version is to 
scrap the existing ini and start from scratch with new file. Probably good to 
install as php.ini-production-5.4 and php.ini-development-5.4 or 
php54/php.ini-production etc, in share/examples, with a note after pkg build?

Waitman Gobble
San Jose California USA

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