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Re: Removing old and broken and/or insecure packages

On Jan 13, 2010, at Jan 13, 2010 5:10 PM, Larson, Timothy E. wrote:

I am nominating the following packages for removal. Please voice
reasonable objections, if you actually *use* something on this list
and can't switch to the alternatives. Just to make that very
I do not consider "Someone might want to use that" as argument.
lang/gcc (only of historic value)

I am "actively" working on porting pkgsrc to A/UX (delayed as my box pooped out) and it is very likely that 2.95.x is the latest gcc that will ever be buildable on that system, as A/UX support was removed in 3.0.something IIRC.

Now I want to get my WGS 95 up and running again... wonder if I can find all the bits to get A/UX going...

Michael Parson

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