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pkg_add: Read error - Premature end of gzip compressed data: Input/output error

I've tried to install nethack-tty via pkg_add tonight, which pulls in nethack-lib. Halfways through, I got this error:

        # echo $PKG_PATH
        # pkg_add -v nethack-tty
        Running install with PRE-INSTALL for nethack-lib-3.4.3nb2.
        nethack-lib-3.4.3nb2: /usr/pkg/share/nethackdir340/logfile already 
        nethack-lib-3.4.3nb2: /usr/pkg/share/nethackdir340/record already exists
        Package nethack-lib-3.4.3nb2 registered in 
        Running install with PRE-INSTALL for nethack-tty-3.4.3nb1.
===> pkg_add: Read error for bin/nethack-tty: Premature end of gzip compressed 
data: Input/output error
        bin/nethack-ttyoriginal MD5 checksum failed, not deleting:
        pkg_add: 1 package addition failed

        # pi -e nethack\*

Running the same pkg_add command again installed the program properly,
so this is most likely not caused by a broken binary package.
I've seen this before, and I onder if anyone has seen this, too, and maybe investigated what happened?

FWIW, this is on NetBSD 5.0/i386, pkg_add -V says "20091015".

 - Hubert

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