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Re: for devel/gettext-tools?

Eric Schnoebelen writes:
- Joerg Sonnenberger writes:
- - On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 05:30:35PM -0600, Eric Schnoebelen wrote:
- - > From reading the localization class for the application, they're
- - > using those functions to load the message catalog(s) into
- - > memory so they can access them as needed.
- - 
- - They are using the *source*? Not the *compiled* version of the catalogs?
- correct.  As best I can determine, there is no iterator
- available to permit loading all of the messages and their
- translations at object creation time. 

Ok, I'm working with the developers, and we're trying to find
another, supported interface that will allow the application to
support multiple-concurrent (within a single process) language

I had thought dgettext(3) might do that, but it's really geared
at changing the name of the file used for the translations
lookups, without changing the selected language, and not
changing the language in use.

Is there a currently available public interface that might the
needed functionality?

FYI: the spectrum developers were not particularly happy to be
using, but they'd not been able to find any
other interface.

Eric Schnoebelen      
        Programming is like sex: One mistake and you have to support 
                        it for a lifetime -- unknown

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