Subject: Re: options magick or imagemagick?
To: Klaus Heinz <>
From: Dieter Baron <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/16/2007 11:04:37
In article <> Klaus wrote:
: mk/defaults/options.description contains

:   bugzilla-imagemagick    Compress .BMPs to save space.

  If this adds imagemagick support to bugzilla, it should be renamed
to imagemagick as well (with PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS, see below).

:   graphicsmagick          Use GraphicsMagick as imaging library.
:   imagemagick             Use ImageMagick as imaging library.
:   magick

: As far as I could determine "imagemagick" is used by graphics/ruby-RMagick
: and multimedia/transcode while "magick" is used only by graphics/zphoto.

: I propose to remove "magick" and change the option for graphics/zphoto
: to "imagemagick". 

  Please add

# to be removed after 2007Q4
PKG_OPTIONS_LEGACY_OPTS += magick:imagemagick

so the old setting is still supported.
