Subject: Re: PKGMANDIR
To: None <>
From: Aleksey Cheusov <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/11/2007 22:03:25
 >> > I have already fixed many packages to honor these two knobs, and the
 >> > process is typically extremely simple.  If we could generate a bulk
 >> > build using the above, we'd easily be able to identify the packages
 >> > that need to be fixed.
 >> mkdir $PREFIX/man $PREFIX/info
 >> chmod 000 $PREFIX/man $PREFIX/info

> I have done that for a few years now :)

I know, I've just reminded your method and said that it makes
grepping really easy :)

 >> stops installing on very early stage
 >> and makes grepping for bugs a bit easier

>   Jeremy C. Reed

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.