Subject: Re: [HEADS UP] Platform support
To: None <>
From: Ondrej Tuma <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/23/2007 00:43:35
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i read all this thread (at the least, i was try it) and here is my
opinion and experience:

In past i was using freebsd, and i love how easy is to install /
uprgade / compile each software package. But linux is "more supported"
now (hardware, software, users, admins etc.). So this is the main
impulse for idea about new Linux distribution base on package system
like in freebsd. When i was start work on it, bsd users from irc tell
me about pkgsrc.

So what i really know, that is two things of support. First is OS. I
still think over about what software should be in the basement of OS
(linux distribution in my case), how the basement should be look
(init, userland etc.). I was use the historical guide about running
pkgsrc on Slackware, but it's really historical and it could be more
variants what software from basement is need and what is recommend.

Second problem of support is about hardware platform, i know this
problem only on "new" x86_64 hardware, and yes, there is some
differences, but i really know, that this differences could be
laughable against to another hardware differences.

And about bulk builds and "official support", in my opinion, the
problem is in the label "supported platform". If pkgsrc change it's view
to word "supported", it's really needed to define another word,
which could describe the state, when pkgsrc is ready to work on
os/hardware, but it's really not warrant and tested or period tested or
binary packages is not official or someone like this. Because the users
as users (not system (distribution) developers) will looking
for a word "supported".

Ond=F8ej T=F9ma

Unix-like system is the best operation system from the top of the world.
I'm lucky BSD and linux user. :) Use unix-like, be free. :)                              
ICQ: 107760454       JABBER:      MSN:

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