Subject: Re: Packages with whitespaces in filenames
To: Loic Hoguin <>
From: Dieter Baron <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/15/2007 17:44:38
In article <op.tqtzqd1ijy4pj2@taris> Loic wrote:
: I'm currently working on a package which have whitespaces in the filenames.
: I tried to add backslashes (like it is done in sysutils/xraidadmin) to my
: $(WRKSRC) variable but it didn't work.

: Therefore all the cd to build or install the package fails.
: Also, pkglint throws a warning for mine and the xraidadmin package.

: Any hint as to how I can handle spaces in the $(WRKSRC) path?


	mv ${WRKDIR:Q}/"path with spaces" ${WRKDIR:Q}/path_without_spaces
