Subject: Re: Linux/File and errors
To: Ulrich Habel <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/12/2007 13:55:57
On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Ulrich Habel wrote:
> That's quite easy. I've set up my environment for LinuxInfotag in
> Augsburg. The following things should be installed with apt-get:
> apt-get install build-essential gcc libncurses5-dev \
>                make patch bin86 m4 find
> These are the packages I am working on - works well. I can't find
> any packages which are needed after the installation of these and their
> dependancies.

My idea was to make sure the programs are installed.
I think verifying the packages for every Linux distrib may push it a 
bit... a simple "patch is missing" should be enough.

  - Hubert