Subject: Re: rpath and prefix option for binary packages
To: None <>
From: Anthony Mallet <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/08/2006 19:56:48
Thanks for the interresting feedback.
I overlooked the big can of worm that this issue was actually raising...

Hubert Feyrer writes:
| programs would still not find their data from compiled-in paths.
| unfortunately.

You're right. But this looks more like an application-related issue than
a pkgsrc one. Of course both are tightly coupled...

Joerg Sonnenberger writes:
| It also generates a wrong pkgdb, which is even worse.

That's really more annoying...
What do you mean by 'wrong pkgdb'? Does the -p option change the
database that pkg_add will use?

I was initially raising the rpath issue because I am interrested in
distributing proprietary applications (among open-source ones) for which
I have access to the source code. So the rpath issue was my main problem.

After reading your comments I think there is no straightforward, generic
solution. Maybe I could handle this with INSTALL script framework and an
ad-hoc script based on e.g. chrpath, just for the binary-only packages.

-- Anthony