Subject: pkgtools/pkg_chk Unable to read PKGCHK_CONF
To: None <>
From: George Georgalis <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/27/2006 09:34:46
with 2006Q3 pkg_chk -un, I get
*** Unable to read PKGCHK_CONF '/usr/pkgsrc/pkgchk_update-[hostname].conf'
this is bothersome because otherwise my cron check for updates
would be silent.
pkg_chk -un | grep 'version mismatch' | sed -e 's/.* //' | while read p; do cd /usr/pkgsrc/`pkg_info -Q PKGPATH $p` && printf "cd $PWD && make update\n" ; done
thought I'd mention it cause I see no mention of it on this list,
there does seem a PR, but not sure if it has been seen.
Should be an easy fix on line 315 and/or 802 of pkg_chk.
// George
George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator <IXOYE><