Subject: Re: Names of the patch files
To: Georg Schwarz <>
From: Tyler Retzlaff <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/23/2006 00:18:01
On 23/04/2006, at 12:12 AM, Georg Schwarz wrote:

> Am 22.04.2006 um 16:09 schrieb Tyler Retzlaff:
>> That is if there are patches patch-aa, patch-ab, patch-ac and then  
>> at some point
>> patch-ab is removed and a new patch is to be added it is not added  
>> as patch-ab
>> it is added as patch-ad.
>> I was quite sternly told that this was the correct thing to do  
>> though I don't recall
>> if I was ever given an explanation why, I also don't know if all  
>> package maintainers
>> follow this rule.
> definitely not. In fact I was told just the opposite.

I'm quite sure, though this was probably > 2 years ago and things may  
have changed.
Though it seems to be consistent with what Johnny just described in  
his most recent

> -- 
> Georg Schwarz
>  +49 178 8545053