Subject: Re: Is there any reason to use CONFIGURE_ENV instead of CONFIGURE_ARGS?
To: OBATA Akio <>
From: Johnny Lam <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/03/2006 11:24:36
OBATA Akio wrote:
> Now, many variables are passed to configure script as environment variable.
> But when variables is defined as environment variable and configure script call
> sub directory's configure script, modification of variable in main directory's
> configure script affect subdirectory's configure scripts.
> For example, 
> 1. Main configure script detect to need a library "foo", so modify LIBS="$LIBS -lfoo".
> 2. Librafy "foo" is include in sub directory "foo", so call foo's configure.
> 3. LIBS is environment variable, so LIBS="-lfoo" is passed to foo's configure.
> 4. Library "foo" isn't exist yet, so foo's configure script will be failed.

What is the package where this happens?  I would like to see a concrete 
example of this behaviour to better understand the situation.


	-- Johnny Lam <>