Subject: Re: dylan
To: Mark Davies <>
From: Alistair Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/30/2005 23:49:16
On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 09:22:36AM +1300, Mark Davies wrote:
> I've been looking at updating the dylan packages to the latest version.  While 
> doing this I noticed that, as far as I can see, the dylan-interpreter and 
> dylan-compiler packages now effectively produce equivalent packages.  Once 
> upon a time the dylan-interpreter package only built the mindy interpreter 
> but now, partly because of a bug in the configure script, does the same as 
> dylan-compiler.  If I fix the configure bug then the make dies part way 
> through because it assumes more has been built than just the interpreter.  
> Clearly this is not a build path thats been exercised recently.
> Given that, and that it seems to me anyone that actually wants a dylan will 
> want the full package, I propose to remove both packages and replace them 
> with a single gwydion-dylan package.

Go for it, that would be great.


PS.  I did have a look at upgrading this some time ago, but this was
just around the time when the upheaval was taking place in the dylan
world, and so I decided to postpone it.