Subject: Re: pkgsrc escaping newlines
To: Geert Hendrickx <>
From: Roland Illig <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/03/2005 12:07:26
Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> I don't know what others think of this, but I find the following
> construction ugly and somewhat tedious to edit: 
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--something \
> 			--something-else \
> 			--and-also-this
> I much prefer this: 
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--something
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--something-else
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--and-also-this
> Although the former is very often seen in pkgsrc (also with MASTER_SITES
> and other variables).  Is there a pkgsrc policy preferring either one over
> the other?  If so, could a pkglint check be written for this, suggesting
> the use of += instead of escaping newlines?  

Of course it could, and this would take me only 30 minutes, including a 
test run. The main question is what the other pkgsrc developers think on 
this issue. I have absolutely no problem with it. A nastier example 
would be:

 > CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--something \
 > 			--something-else -x \
 > 			--and-also-this

Note the hidden "-x" in line 2. I have found those things to be 
currently in use in pkgsrc.
