Subject: Re: Xfig requires an install message
To: Jon Drews <>
From: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/23/2005 07:08:53
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On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 07:01, Jon Drews wrote:
> On 9/22/05, Hubert Feyrer <> wrote:
> > As far as I understand, this is in the MESSAGe of xpkgwedge.
> > If that's documented anywhere is beyond me - the pkgsrc documentation
> > could need some work.
> Thank you Hubert:
> I would like to submit this as a bug fix. I looked through the pkgsrc
> handbook but did not see how I would create a postinstall message. How
> do I create a postinstall message similar to this one?
> ===========================================================================
> $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.1 2002/10/08 11:50:04 jlam Exp $
> Before using xmcd/cda for the first time, you must set up the software by
> running the following interactive script as ${ROOT_USER}:
> ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/xmcd/config/
> Xmcd/cda will not work until that is done.
> ===========================================================================
> Is that genereated by some make script? I am refering to the $NetBSD:
> MESSAGE,v 1.1 .... header.
Just create a file named "MESSAGE" in the package directory.
cheerio Berndt
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