Subject: Re: pkgsrc logo -> draft from scratch (vector gfx)
To: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/20/2005 14:16:31
thus Lubomir Sedlacik spake:
> On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 01:41:11PM +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
>>Cool... I forgot which font I used exactly, It was something
>>bold+italic with serives. Assuming that the font in the official Net
>>BSD logo is something like 'times new roman', can you try and make a
>>version with 'times new roman bold italics'? I tried yesterday, but
>>didn't get gimp to scale the font to the size I needed. :/
>>Also, try putting the "pkg" a bit (0.5*) higher.
>>Are the colors the same as I used? sitting ca. 0.7m away from my tft,
>>the grey-on-orange is a bit bad to read, how about a lighter grey?
> please don't use the orange/grey combination.  it's a really poor choice
> of colours which is not contrast enough and has serious trouble with
> melting into background different than white or black.

hm, finding colours which allow you that is not trivial. furthermore,
you'll have to put more contrast in the logo itself, e.g. black line on
each edge of the 'cube'. i think that this would make the logo uncool
(or whatever one should call this)...

> the logo as it is now doesn't work in monochrome.

why not?

> i don't see the reason of splitting pkgsrc into two words when it's one
> (it's even a registered trademark of TNF).

i didn't understand this either, but i think it's more an emphasizing of
each part of pkgsrc instead of splitting it into two words.

another option would be to use one part in italics, and the other in
regular -- but this is not the pkgsrc-style (it's italics). so it has to
be emphasized in another way.

that's my idea on this, YMMV :D

> other than that, i like the underlying idea.
> regards,


Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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