Subject: Re: HEADS UP: postfix-2.1.5nb1 and .db tables
To: None <>
From: Takahiro Kambe <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/02/2004 17:26:26
In message <>
	on Thu, 02 Dec 2004 10:10:54 +0200,
	Martti Kuparinen <> wrote:
> In this case this is not true as I'm only adding pcre support and it
> does not need db4. So clearly db4 dependency is not required.
> ROOT inside:/usr/pkgsrc/mail/postfix> grep postfix /etc/mk.conf
> PKG_OPTIONS.postfix=    inet6 pcre
You are right.

In postfix/

.if empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mbdb)
PKG_OPTIONS+=   bdb             # "hash" map type is mandatory
.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mbdb)
USE_DB185=      no
.  include "../../mk/"
CCARGS+=        -DHAS_DB

bdb is always aded to PKG_OPTIONS and it cause includes of
"../../mk/" and it seems to results use of db4.
(I don't know further...)

Takahiro Kambe <>