Subject: change ttmkfdir to mkfontscale in mk/ for TTF
To: None <>
From: Rui-Xiang Guo <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/07/2004 14:09:08
Hi, all.
Because ttmkfdir still has some problem for supporting arphic-ttf, may we
change the font tool of TTF in mk/
Please see the fonts.scale below with different font tools -

bkai00mp.ttf -arphic-ar pl kaitim big5-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-big5-0
bkai00mp.ttf -arphic-ar pl kaitim big5-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-big5.eten-0
bkai00mp.ttf -arphic-ar pl kaitim big5-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1

bkai00mp.ttf -Arphic Technology Co.-AR PL KaitiM Big5-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c
bkai00mp.ttf -Arphic Technology Co.-AR PL KaitiM Big5-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-c

The fonts.scale from ttmkfdir lacks of the big5-0 support...
