Subject: Re: audio/flac broken with 2.0
To: None <,>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/18/2004 15:08:08
At 01:57 PM 10/18/2004, Michael wrote:
> > > Another problem - audio/flac, which is needed for vorbis-tools, is
> broken
> > > with 2.0 on macppc. Current pkgsrc, 2.0 release, macppc.
> > It has to do something with the assembler on NetBSD-macppc, since it
> > compiles without problems on MacOSX.
> > Please, do not fix it by removing PowerPC code.
>No, it has to do with Apple's assembler which is not compatible to the GNU
>assembler used by NetBSD. Maybe someone with PowerPC assembler knowledge
>could rewrite the code in a form gas can understand ( shouldn't be too
>difficult, probably only a few syntax differences ).
The following commands for ex(1) will fix the asm:
g/;/ s//#/
g/[^a-z]r[0-9]/ s/\([^a-z]\)r\([0-9]\)/\1%r\2/g
g/[^a-z]cr[0-9]/ s/\([^a-z]\)cr\([0-9]\)/\1%cr\2/g
g/[^a-z]v[0-9]/ s/\([^a-z]\)v\([0-9]\)/\1%v\2/g
g/hi16(.*)/ s;hi16(\(.*\));\1@h;
g/lo16(.*)/ s;lo16(\(.*\));\1@l;
and make it assemble with the NetBSD gas. Feel free to adapt
them to sed or whatever method make you happy. :)
Matt Thomas email:
3am Software Foundry www:
Cupertino, CA disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message.