Subject: cjk-latex & japanese fonts
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/09/2004 17:04:08

I have update pkgsrc-wip/cjk-latex to V4.5.2 and have added a 
pkgsrc-wip/cjk-latex-wadalab package with a bunch of fonts that (partly) 
come with cjk-latex. I'd be happy if anyone could test this:

  * install cjk-latex
  * install cjk-latex-wadalab
  * cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/cjk-latex/JIS.tex /tmp
  * cd /tmp
  * latex JIS.tex
  * xdvi JIS.dvi
  * dvips -o JIS.dvi
  * gv
  * dvipdfm JIS.dvi
  * acroread JIS.pdf

This should produce some working examples.

I'll have a look at the cjk-latex-{japanese,chinese,korean} pkgs when I 
find some time, as they don't work for me at all - I suspect the font 
registering is not what (te?)TeX would like to have.

Any feedback welcome!

  - Hubert

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