Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/gal20
To: Rene Hexel <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/01/2004 08:09:36
On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Rene Hexel wrote:

> Log Message:
> Re-import gal-1.99.11 as gal20.

This is confusing to me:

gal is:
DISTNAME=            gal-0.22
COMMENT=             Gnome Application Libraries

gal2 is:
DISTNAME=   gal-2.2.1
PKGNAME=    ${DISTNAME:S/gal/gal2/}
COMMENT=    Library functions that came from Gnumeric and Evolution

gal20 is
DISTNAME=  gal-1.99.11
PKGNAME=   ${DISTNAME:S/gal/gal20/}
COMMENT=   Library functions that came from Gnumeric and Evolution

Why gal20 and gal2?

All have same HOMEPAGE (which is not specific).

The gal2 and gal20 have same COMMENT and same DESCR. Can someone add
something to distinguish these? Why use one or the other?

 Jeremy C. Reed

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