Subject: lintpkgsrc gives error.
To: None <>
From: tim <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/13/2004 21:55:07
I get the following error when running lintpkgsrc -i. Anybody know what 
this is about?

# lintpkgsrc -i
pkg_info: read_plist: bad command '@pkgcfl pkgchk-[0-9]*'
Scanning pkgsrc Makefiles: ......................................Cannot 
extract firefox-bin-UNDEFINED version (/usr/pkgsrc/www/firefox-bin/Makefile)
4718 packages                          
Version mismatch: 'pkg_install' 20010302 vs 20040601

I did a make deinstall and make install on pkg_install but that did not 
seem to fix anything.