Subject: Re: use of [ -e ${file} ]
To: None <>
From: Georg Schwarz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/22/2004 17:00:24
> On Sat, 22 May 2004, Georg Schwarz wrote:
> > Does anyone know where exactly the ./work/.INSTALL and ./work/.DEINSTALL
> > scripts come from for openssl, i.e. where this would have to be changed?
> Maybe:
> pkgsrc/mk/install/deinstall
> pkgsrc/mk/install/install
yes, that seems to be what I was looking for. So to increase compatibility
with not so modern (;-)) shells could all these -e's be changed into -f's
in these two files? They seem to refer to files only, not directories.
There are probably some additional occurrences in pkgsrc where this should
also apply.
Georg Schwarz +49 177 8811442