Subject: qt3-libs lib.*la files have my work directory buildlink paths
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/12/2004 23:49:24
I am not sure if this is some problem with my own pkgsrc. (I am using a
custom patch for buildlinking from jlam, plus one minor patch PR #24760.)
But my qt3/lib/, qt3/plugins/imageformats/ and
qt3/plugins/imageformats/ files had dependency_libs= lines that
had my work directory listed, such as:
dependency_libs=' -L/usr/gcc3/lib
-L/scratch/pkgsrc/x11/qt3-libs/work.puget/.buildlink/lib -L/usr/lib
/scratch/pkgsrc/x11/qt3-libs/work.puget/.buildlink/lib/ -lXmu
-lfontconfig -lXrender
-lfreetype -lz -lexpat -lXext -lX11 -lICE -lSM -lpthread
Has anyone seen this?
My other lib directories don't have this issue with any .la files.
I see .la files saying "This file has been modified by buildlink3." (From
the libtool-fix-la script.)
(In the above example, I am using LOCALBASE as /usr. Please note that I
have successfully build and installed qt3 several times using
LOCALBASE=/usr over the past 1.5 years.)
Jeremy C. Reed
open source, Unix, *BSD, Linux training