Subject: pine package no longer includes PGP helper scripts
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/07/2004 13:12:22
The pine package provided in pkgsrc used to provide some PGP helper
scripts. The pgpdecode was very out-dated. It used unsafe tmp file usage
and was a security risk.
pgpdecode was rewritten in perl by its author, but he no longer uses pine
so he says may not work with new version of pine. (The other pgp tools
were also rewritten and various bug fixes were done. If you really want
Rosenfeld's code, feel free to package them up.)
If you use PGP or GPG with pine, please consider using the
security/pinepgp, wip/pgpenvelope or wip/pine-pgp-filters tools instead.
(Any testing feedback on wip/pine-pgp-filters would be appreciated.)
Jeremy C. Reed
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