Subject: Re: java buildlink causes pkgsrc-current bulk builds problems
To: Juan RP <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/05/2004 18:38:27
BTW, there seem to be more pkgs with java/buildlink3 problems.
From a new started bulk build:

cd /usr/cvs.local/pkgsrc && /bin/sh mk/bulk/printdepends .broken.yui.html
> /usr/cvs.local/pkgsrc/.dependstree.yui
make: "../../mk/../../mk/" line 265: Could not find
make: "../../mk/../../mk/" line 279: Could not find
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
WARNING (printdepends):  the package in security/gnu-crypto had problem
    make show-depends-dirs
    dependency information in the cache will
    be dropped for security/gnu-crypto

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <>