Subject: Re: failure to detect that perl5 is already installed.
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/05/2004 15:45:40
On Wed, 05 May 2004, Todd Vierling wrote:
> : The pkgviews stuff is full of confusing error messages.  Another
> : one is "This package doesn't support PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPE=none"
> : when what it means is more like "This package cannot be installed
> : because the intersection between PKG_INSTALLATION_PREFS=pkgviews and
> : PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES=overwrite is empty".
> Which sounds like you want
>     PKG_INSTALLATION_PREFS=pkgviews overwrite
> for compatibility with both, preferring pkgviews.

At the time, I actually wanted non-pkgviews packages to fail, but
I would have preferred a better error message.

--apb (Alan Barrett)