Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/fprot-workstation-bin
To: None <>
From: Takahiro Kambe <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/17/2004 15:41:29

I thanks to you for creating security/fprot-workstation-bin package.
I found that PLIST contains removing virus pattern files.

@unexec ${RM} %D/lib/fprot-workstation-bin/MACRO.DEF
@unexec ${RM} %D/lib/fprot-workstation-bin/SIGN.DEF
@unexec ${RM} %D/lib/fprot-workstation-bin/SIGN2.DEF

I suggest to change that keeping virus information files.

Since minor version up of F-Prot AntiVirus could use the same latest
virus information files, removing them cause using old pattern files
until update pattern files.

As pkgsrc, install these files like as MACRO.DEF.dist or
MACRO.DEF.default (PLIST contains these files) and copy it to
MACRO.DEF if dose not exist (using INSTALL files).

If thses virus information file marked incompatible with new F-Prot
AntiVirus, warn to user with MESSAGES file.

How about it?

Takahiro Kambe <>